Over $35,000 in prizes and 100% commissions… You’re Invited!

Promote Bill McIntosh’s Brand New Challenge

To Create A Digital Course In Just 5 Days Using AI And Finally Create A Life Of Total Freedom!

Claim Your Share Of $35,000+ In Launch Prizes & 100% Front End Commissions With The Next Record-Breaking Launch From One Of The World’s Top Marketers Who Has Generated Over $100 Million In Sales!

Live 5-Day Challenge
With Bill McIntosh

How To Use AI To Create A Digital Course In Just 5 Days And Claim Your Share Of The Soon-To-Be $1 Trillion E-Learning Boom

Even If You Have NO Special Skills, NO Website, NO Audience, NO Experience, And NO Idea Where To Start!


27TH JAN, 2024 @ 11AM EST


31ST JAN, 2024 @ 11AM EST


7TH FEB, 2024 @ 11AM EST
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The AI Profit Sync Challenge!

The AI Profit Sync Challenge is a 5-day LIVE challenge with Bill McIntosh that walks students through the entire process of creating their first
(or next) digital course using the power of AI, step by step. 

Every day for 5 days, we will do a LIVE 1-hour training at [TIME]. The challenge includes group coaching, Q&A calls, downloadable checklists, PDF guides, email support, a private networking community, plus additional bonuses and prizes for students who attend all the live sessions.

It’s a foolproof way for total beginners to launch their own digital course business from scratch and be successful, regardless of
technical skills or previous experience! 

We’re Paying Out 100% FRONT END COMMISSION On A 5-Day Challenge With No Limits!
Our High-Converting Funnel
Earn Commissions Right The Way Through The Funnel
The AI Profit Sync 5-Day LIVE Challenge
$97 | $49 x2 | $19.99 x5
100% Commissions
Elite VIP Access
$197 | $99 x2 | $49.95 x5
We Paid Out $750,000 To Our Affiliates Over The Last 12 Months

Making YOU money is our #1 goal, and we have a track record of creating launches that make our affiliates a LOT of money. Over the years, we PERFECTED a winning formula to success, and we expect this launch to be HUGE because the product is extremely valuable for almost any list type.

Course Creator Workbook

Fill in the blanks of this workbook as you complete each daily lesson, and you’ll easily put together your course.

Million Dollar Toolbox

You’ll get the very best of our course creation tools. This includes step-by-step guides, cheat sheets, common mistakes, and other materials designed to help you implement what you learn more easily.

Course Reviews For 30 Days

Got a course idea or sales page outline you want reviewed? Bill will do a video review and post it in the members area for all Elite VIPs so that everyone benefits.

Extended Daily Sessions

At the end of each daily training, we’ll be doing an extra 30-minute “deep dive” exclusively for Elite VIPs. Each session dives deeper into a crucial part of my process for running a successful business as a digital course creator.

30 Days Access To The Recordings

In an ideal world, students will zip through all 5 days of the Challenge. But none of us live in an ideal world. Life gets in the way sometimes, and these recordings are designed to accommodate that.

So if you’re not as far along as you wanted to be, this allows you to pick up where you left off and keep going! You set your own pace and work around your schedule.

The Insider’s Club
$297 | $147 x2 | $69.95 x5
AI Traffic Trifecta

I’ll send you a video that walks you through my 3 most profitable (and embarrassingly simple) AI traffic strategies that nobody knows about. You’ll see the exact campaigns, the products, how I’m getting the traffic – all of it!

The $14 Million Case Study

This is a way to use some of the strategies developed over the last 20 years to “super compound” your profits in a way nobody talks about. This is how I turned a little $11 ebook into $14,842,595.17 on autopilot.

Lifetime Access To Materials & Recordings

Lifetime access to the Challenge recordings, additional materials, plus any future updates. This ensures you can revisit the content whenever you need to.

The Multiplier Method

This is what supercharged my results with “Profit Syncing.” It builds on the foundation of what we started in the Challenge, but it’s how I took my wealth to the next level with this ONE little-known conversion strategy.

Unlimited Email Access To Me

You’ll have unlimited access to me via email for the next 60 days. That way if there’s anything you need my help with but don’t want to share those issues on the group Q&A sessions, you’ll have me all to yourself.

Elite Status In The Community

You will be highlighted as an “Elite” member and given access to a deeper level of content and community insider info.

You Can Earn Up To $344 Per Sale!

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Here Is What We’ll Cover During This 5-Day Challenge

Day 1: Picking The Right Niche

One of the biggest mistakes I see people making is going straight to building the course they always wanted to create. Before you create anything, you need to be sure you know what people want to buy so the time you invest actually pays off and customers are eager to buy your course.

On day 1, we’ll cover…  

The Niche Finder: If the riches are in the niches, then you better know yours. Here’s how to identify the perfect niche market for your new business… even if you have no idea what you want to sell right now.

The Dream Outcome: How to understand what your customers REALLY want so you can sell them a product that achieves it.

The Problem Targeter: How to create a course that sells like hotcakes for years to come… by targeting the RIGHT kind of problem that people are happy to pay to have solved.

The Ideal Customer: Who is the right customer for your course? What are their hobbies and interests? Understanding this is key to creating a course that people WANT to buy

The Avatar Builder: My fill-in-the-blanks process to create your customer avatar so you have laser focus when building your course and doing your marketing.

Day 2: Outlining Your Course

Once you know what people in your niche want to learn about, you’ll be ready to brainstorm and map out the various lessons that you plan to include in your course! I’ll show you how to easily and effectively structure your course, so you’re on the fast-track to success.
On day 2, I’ll show you…
The Idea Generator: How to effortlessly come up with dozens of great ideas for your course… based on what people are frequently searching for online, what others in your industry are doing, and more.
The Pain Pinpointer: How to find out what people in your niche are saying about their problems, challenges, pains and fears… so you can create a course that solves their pain points.
The 10 PGB Method: One of the most important steps in the course creation process is choosing the right topic. I’ll teach you a simple exercise for discovering the BEST possible place to start with your course.
The Curriculum Builder: How to outline your entire course curriculum in 60 minutes or less. (This is like having an industry expert tell you EXACTLY how to structure your course and what to include!)
Tantalizing Titles: How to give your course a catchy, memorable and compelling name that gets your audience excited as soon as they hear it! (Many customers will judge your product by what you name it, so it’s important you get this right.)

Day 3: Creating Your Course

This is where the real fun starts! At first glance, it looks like a huge chore to create all of the content for your course… especially when you’re starting from scratch. But when you do it the way I show you, you won’t have to start from scratch. 
On day 3, you’ll discover…
The AI Course Creator: No more spending weeks or months struggling to get your course done. Here’s how to create an entire 12-lesson course in minutes!
The Psycho Analyzer: How to get inside the head of your customer and tap into their emotional “hot buttons” so you can make your course IRRESISTIBLE.
The Automation Assistant: How to get AI to do 90% of all the work for you. All you do is approve your product, make some final edits, and you’re done!
The Media Maker: How to seamlessly turn your lessons into slide content, voiceover scripts, ebooks, audiobooks, checklists and more.
The Cover Designer: How to design stunning 3D graphics that instantly increase the value of your course and allow you to charge premium prices.

Day 4: Promoting Your Course

The difference between a course that just does “okay” and a course that generates 6 or even 7 figures is this: the creator of the successful course knows how to craft compelling sales copy that works to convert visitors into buyers. And soon, you will be able to do that, too – all thanks to the power of AI!
On day 4, I’ll walk you through…
The Magic Headline: How to craft a high-converting headline that speaks directly to your customer’s dream outcome and practically FORCES them to read on!
The Copy Accelerator: How to crank out a cash-cow sales page that works like magic to convince people to buy your course. (No experience required. Simply “fill in the blanks” and you can create million dollar sales copy in minutes!)
The Report Writer: How to create a ready-to-use lead magnet in seconds, perfect for attracting your ideal customer and growing your email list!
The Email Wizard: How to craft a multi-day email sequence to convert your leads into customers (and your customers into repeat customers!)
The Ad Architect: How to write attention-grabbing ads and video scripts that convert like crazy. Great for Facebook, Instagram or YouTube!
The Content Calendar: How to plan, write and (automatically) publish a post for each day of the week to generate leads from all your favorite social platforms… at the click of a button!

Day 5: The AI Freedom Formula

Growing your business as quickly as possible and making a lot of money are great. But the way most entrepreneurs go about it makes you a slave to your business. What I have to share with you on this fifth and final day of the Challenge is a unique way of delivering your courses that gives you incredible time and lifestyle freedom.
On day 5, I’ll show you…
The Freedom Fast-Track: How to run 80% of your business on “autopilot” so your business works for YOU (instead of you working for it non-stop!)
The Hands-Off Delivery System: How to quickly and easily set up your members area that automatically delivers your product to your customers (so you can just sit back and watch the sales roll in!)
The Content Amplifier: How to turn your AI-generated content into a polished digital course you can sell for high prices… even if you’re a total technophobe and don’t have a website right now.
The Tech Stack: How to quickly and easily set up and use ALL of the business growth tools you need to successfully create, sell and deliver your course.
The Next Steps: How to continue this journey with additional training, tools and support.
The AI Profit Sync Affiliate Contest
I’m Giving Away Over
$35,000.00 In Cash Prizes…


1st Place


2nd Place



2nd Place


1st Place


3rd Place


4th Place


5th Place



First to 1
Front End Sale


First to 5
Front End Sale


First to 10
Front End Sale


First to 25
Front End Sale


First to 50
Front End Sale


First to 100
Front End Sale



Our highest earning affiliates always stack their own unique bonuses on top of all the value we provide.

So whoever offers the most unique, creative and valuable bonus will be awarded an extra $1,000.00.

This bonus is NOT based on sales volume so ANYBODY can win!

To participate, please submit your bonus page to [EMAIL ADDRESS] with the subject line “AI Profit Sync Bonus Submission.”

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Does It Work?
Are Customers Getting Results?

This Course Training has completely revolutionized the way I design for the web! The user interface is intuitive and easy to use, and with features like drag-and-drop design and custom templates, I can create stunning stories in no time. It’s also great for collaborating with my team since there are so many options for sharing projects and getting feedback. it has definitely become an essential part of my workflow.
Matte Nelson
Creative Designer
This Course Training has completely revolutionized the way I design for the web! The user interface is intuitive and easy to use, and with features like drag-and-drop design and custom templates, I can create stunning stories in no time. It’s also great for collaborating with my team since there are so many options for sharing projects and getting feedback. it has definitely become an essential part of my workflow.
Matte Nelson
Creative Designer
Become a JV Partner

Is Your List A Good Fit For The AI Profit Sync Challenge?

Anyone in the biz-opp, internet marketing, or ecommerce space is a great fit.
Yet even if you had a list of stay-at-home Moms, The AI Profit Sync Challenge would likely still convert extremely well.

Here’s why:

Over the past few years, millions of people around the world had to change their habits overnight, and are now turning to the internet to learn new things about EVERY topic imaginable.

This has created HUGE demand for digital teaching products… like ebooks, online video courses, audio programs, membership websites, and a lot more.
Plus, an entirely NEW audience came online, like those who didn’t grow up with the internet.
Human behavior rarely changes, but when a transformation like this happens, it creates one of the greatest opportunities to ever exist!

With sites like Udemy reporting a 425% increase in digital course enrollment, Thinkific raising $22 million to meet the surging online education demand, and Coursera gaining 10 million new users in just 2 months…

This means the conditions are PERFECT to start a digital course business right now!

Even better… this trend is NOT going to change anytime soon and will only increase in the months and years ahead.

That’s why, when people visit the sales page for our 5-day Challenge and see how they can use the power of AI to quickly position themselves to profit from this shift, they have a lightbulb moment – “This is it!” – and sign up like crazy.

Who Is
Bill McIntosh?

Bill McIntosh is a 9-figure entrepreneur with 20+ years in the online marketing world and dozens of million dollar launches under his belt.

He launched his first digital product from his spare bedroom in 2004. He priced it at just $11 and still made millions. Applying the same method, he created more and more digital products and generated over $100 million in sales.

Today, Bill is widely known as “The Million Dollar Man” for his ability to launch a new business and grow it to a million dollars at warp speed. In fact, over the past 20 years, he’s built 7 separate million dollar businesses from the ground up.

Best of all, not only has this been proven to work… it’s also duplicable.

Since 2012, Bill has helped over 81,942 students – in hundreds of different niches – start or grow their own online businesses (a number that rises every day).

He’s also the creator of Push Button AI, an intuitive suite of AI tools that builds you an entire business at the click of a mouse… while you literally sit back and watch.

In other words, there’s no one better for your students to learn from when it comes to using AI to create and sell digital courses, and claiming their share of the soon-to-be $1 trillion dollar e-learning industry!

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Affiliate Terms & Conditions

Please read the rules below carefully before promoting this offer: 

1. Do not send spam or use safe lists of any kind.

2. Offering cash rebates, gift cards, or other physical product incentives to people who buy through your affiliate link is strictly prohibited.

3. Do not use negative words such as “scam” in any promotional campaign.

4. Do not misrepresent our product or brand.

5. Do not create social media pages using our product or brand name. Anyone found using our product name, website name, or product images to promote the product on social platforms without permission will be banned immediately.

6. You cannot earn commissions on your own purchase.

7. We reserve the right to terminate any affiliate who is found to be using shady or blackhat marketing practices to drive sales, or for any other reason.

8. Do not make any monetary claims of how much a customer can make with this product.

9. When promoting our products and services, you must adhere to the FTC guidelines set out here: https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/advertising-and-marketing

By signing up to this affiliate program, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to abide by these rules. Any affiliate found to be in breach of any of these rules will be terminated from the affiliate program immediately and any outstanding commissions will be forfeited.

JV Manager

Simon Warner

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